My opinion on the new 9.4a BklTYr4

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 My opinion on the new 9.4a

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Level 1 CPU


My opinion on the new 9.4a Empty
PostSubject: My opinion on the new 9.4a   My opinion on the new 9.4a EmptyWed Jul 06, 2022 2:10 am

The new version is pretty cool, the new animations, characters, etc. All good, but i have a little issue:
unlocking the new characters, unlocking characters in the previous versions were pretty fun, completing Classic, Targets, Platforms, fun criteria to unlock many characters, but the number of unlockables has been reduced now... Not only that, but i think the new unlock criteria for the new characters like Goomba, Heracross, etc are a little exagerated...  I mean, get a Game Over to unlock Goomba? Break a Beehive to unlock Heracross? I'm not mad or anything but the previous versions did not relied on doing that, i hope they bring back one day the fun unlocking criteria of before, thanks. Wink
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