If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik BklTYr4

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 If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik

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Level 3 CPU


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PostSubject: If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik   If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik EmptyMon Nov 12, 2018 3:19 pm

SwitchStationX back here again! With another episode of "If This Character Was In Crusade". Last episode, I talked about Inkling & Octoling, and now I am going to talk about possibly the most requested veterans (and my 2nd most wanted) for Crusade, Zelda & Sheik from The Legend of Zelda series! Oh boy, oh boy! Where do I start? First off, they have been in Smash since Melee, and people have wanted them in this game for years! They DID have the opportunity back in 9.0, but instead they put, ugh, Tingle! I don't mind Tingle being in, but why choose HIM, out of all characters over Zelda & Sheik? But hey at least he's better than Skull Kid (I'm fucked)!

Remember back in episode 1 when I thought Inkling & Octoling should have the boys as alternate skins if you press the arrow or grab? Well, OmegaSteve777 pointed this out:
OmegaSteve777 wrote:
I mean yeah, if Crusade were to have both Inkling Boy and Girl in they'd just be skins of each other. The problem stems from having to sprite an entirely new character. Even though they have the same body shape, you'd have to do all of the small details, including the different hair, shirt, shoes and shorts. The poll was made just to see what would people rather see if only one were to exist.
And that is a good point! Having both genders as alternate skins probably would be a waste. However, I think this can work better for Zelda & Sheik. Some people might prefer them in Melee & Brawl where they could switch each other, while others might prefer in Smash 4 & Ultimate where they are seperate. It can be like this:
Zelda (w/Sheik) -> Sheik (w/Zelda) -> Zelda (Seperate) -> Sheik (Seperate).
Doesn't this work out so much better than with Inkling & Octoling genders? I think so!

Obviously, Zelda & Sheik should be fought on Hyrule Castle since it is the only TLoZ stage in Crusade (as of right now it is).

I think Zelda's individual theme should be "Ocarina of Time Medley" from Super Smash Bros. Brawl! And I think Sheik's individual theme should be the Gerudo Valley remix from Smash 4.

As for availability, they should be starters.

So, do I think Zelda & Sheik are likely for Crusade? Hell yes! Especially because they are one of the most popular & recognizable characters in Smash Brothers history! And people have wanted them in this game for a super long time now! I doubt they'll get in 9.2 because it's coming out in a week (unless they have already been working on them this year, but I doubt it). But in a future update, I think Zelda & Sheik being in is almost factual. If they don't get in ever, then that would be a shame. But overall, I'll give Zelda & Sheik an 85% of being in the Crusade! So, what do you think should be their individual themes and availability, and what do you think of the alts idea for them? In the meantime, See ya'll later!

"How about a kiss, for luck?"
"You gotta be kidding!"
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Level 6 CPU


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PostSubject: Re: If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik   If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik EmptyTue Nov 13, 2018 12:48 am

You do know there's already topics for veteran characters, right?
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Level 3 CPU


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PostSubject: Re: If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik   If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik EmptyTue Nov 13, 2018 11:57 am

TaXMaN wrote:
You do know there's already topics for veteran characters, right?

Aren't those discussions? This is supposed to be MY personal thoughts.
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Level 7 CPU


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PostSubject: Re: If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik   If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik EmptyTue Nov 13, 2018 3:27 pm

Then add those thoughts into the discussions like everyone else
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Level 3 CPU


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PostSubject: Re: If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik   If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik EmptyTue Nov 13, 2018 3:32 pm

Braystar wrote:
Then add those thoughts into the discussions like everyone else

Oof okey! Maybe from now on with this series I'll just discuss characters that have never been in Smash before! Like Dr. Neo Cortex from Crash Bandicoot!
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Level 7 CPU


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PostSubject: Re: If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik   If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik EmptyTue Nov 13, 2018 10:06 pm

Then you should put those in the character's respective request thread or make your own moveset
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Level 3 CPU


If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik Empty
PostSubject: Re: If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik   If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik EmptyWed Nov 14, 2018 12:46 pm

Braystar wrote:
Then you should put those in the character's respective request thread or make your own moveset

If I can do that too, I have officially decided that this series is CANCELLED! So if an admin is reading this, they may lock both episodes if they want. Or I can delete them myself!
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Level 4 CPU

  Crash Bandicoot

If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik Empty
PostSubject: Re: If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik   If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik EmptyThu Nov 15, 2018 4:13 am

SwitchStationX wrote:
Braystar wrote:
Then you should put those in the character's respective request thread or make your own moveset

If I can do that too, I have officially decided that this series is CANCELLED! So if an admin is reading this, they may lock both episodes if they want. Or I can delete them myself!
If this is the former you’re referring about, can an admin lock this topic
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Level 3 CPU


If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik Empty
PostSubject: Re: If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik   If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik EmptyThu Nov 15, 2018 11:53 am

MonadoBoy16 wrote:
SwitchStationX wrote:
Braystar wrote:
Then you should put those in the character's respective request thread or make your own moveset

If I can do that too, I have officially decided that this series is CANCELLED! So if an admin is reading this, they may lock both episodes if they want. Or I can delete them myself!
If this is the former you’re referring about, can an admin lock this topic
I was thinking you'd show up lol.
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Level 4 CPU

  Crash Bandicoot

If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik Empty
PostSubject: Re: If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik   If This Character Was In Crusade: Episode 2: Zelda & Sheik EmptyThu Nov 15, 2018 12:20 pm

SwitchStationX wrote:
MonadoBoy16 wrote:
SwitchStationX wrote:
Braystar wrote:
Then you should put those in the character's respective request thread or make your own moveset

If I can do that too, I have officially decided that this series is CANCELLED! So if an admin is reading this, they may lock both episodes if they want. Or I can delete them myself!
If this is the former you’re referring about, can an admin lock this topic
I was thinking you'd show up lol.
Say what?
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