Global Forum Rules BklTYr4

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 Global Forum Rules

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Super Smash Bros Crusade
Super Smash Bros Crusade


Global Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules EmptyMon Sep 26, 2011 5:04 pm


Welcome to our forum. These are our Global Rules, which apply throughout the entire site, so be sure to read all of these before making a post.

If you notice another user breaking the rules, the best way to help is to use the Report Post function (), available in each post. This will alert the appropriate moderators to the issue so they can respond.


1. No Spam
Posts that are irrelevant to or inappropriate for the topic of discussion are considered spam, including off-topic posts/threads, or posts with no substantive content.

Do not reply to spam. Instead, bring it to a moderator's attention by using the Report Post function.


2. No Flaming/Trolling
Respect other users. Flaming (insulting, heated arguing with) other members is not allowed. Demeaning or derogatory comments based on race, religion, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, handicap, nationality, or gender will not be tolerated. Physical threats against and repeated harassment of other members is strictly prohibited. If another user is flaming or harassing you, you should not retaliate--instead, report it to a moderator.

Trolling (intentionally instigating trouble or provoking others through outrageous statements) is not permitted.


3. No Profanity or Inappropriate Material
SSBC strives to maintain a family-friendly site. Content that may be considered offensive is not allowed, at the discretion of the staff.  Do not post content that is excessively vulgar, profane, graphic, or violent in nature. Pornography and other sexually explicit material is strictly prohibited. Additionally, discussion about engaging in drug and/or alcohol use is not allowed, regardless of a user's age or laws in his/her jurisdiction.

Avatars may not contain any inappropriate material, including words that would otherwise be censored or explicit images. If your avatar violates either of these rules, a staff member shall contact you about removing it and replacing it with one that is more appropriate. Repeated violations may result in the loss of your custom avatar.
Animated avatars ARE allowed.

If in doubt about whether some content is permissible under this rule, ask a moderator before posting it.


4. Cursing
-As of 5/1/2012, there is a zero tolerance policy on cursing. Depending on the severity of the swear, punishment will vary from warnings to temporary bans.

Redacted as of 29 August 2015. Cursing is allowed, but keep it to a minimum. There is still zero-tolerance for ethnic slurs/other sensitive epithets. See Rule #2 for a more detailed description. Directly cursing out another forum member will result in a ban, its length depending on the severity of the comment.


5. No Blatant Advertising
Making posts for the sole purpose of advertising a product or an outside website is strictly forbidden. Accounts that are created solely for the purpose of advertising will be permanently banned.
It is ok to wish to discuss a certain product or website, but do not talk as if you were a spokesperson trying to persuade people to go to the website or purchase the product.

Exceptions to this rule include links that are clearly and materially related to the topic at hand; for example, posting a link to a pre-registration page for a tournament is acceptable, as is linking to a personal site featuring one's artwork in a relevant thread. Nothing may be sold at all through this forum, and if in doubt about whether some content is permissible under this rule, contact Dustination.


6. Signature Rules
Signatures may not excessively stretch the page horizontally and may not exceed 400px in height. Text signatures should be around the same height as well.
An alternative is the spoiler the image or text using the spoiler brackets: [spoiller]*insert text or link here*[/spoiller] (remove the second "l" for it to work.)


7. Respect The Law
Posts that violate or incite others to violate the law are not allowed. This includes (but is not limited to) requesting, providing, or instructing how to find, create, or use illegal copies of copyrighted software and related applications (including ROMs).


8. No Invisible/Looped/Auto-playing Music or Videos
Posting a automatic/looped audio or video is not allowed to be posted on a thread, within signatures, or any other options that would allow it to play. Remember that other forum members are trying to read and post without distractions. As well as those who are listening to their own music or watching something else. Refusal to remove or repeating this offense will result to a temporarily ban.


9. No Alternate or Impersonator Accounts
Individuals are prohibited from holding more than one account without express, advance permission from the staff. Alternate accounts may be banned without warning. Any infractions that are issued to alternate accounts may be reissued to the corresponding primary account, in addition to other punishments. Do not create a new account to get around a ban or other punishment; these punishments will simply be extended or made permanent.

Accounts created to impersonate other individuals or entities are not permitted.


10. No Account Sharing
Simply put, if you are caught letting another user share your account, ESPECIALLY if that someone has been banned and is using the account to escape said ban, you will be punished.


11. No Account Deletion
[29 Aug 15]

If you decide you would like to leave the forum, do not delete your account. This litters the forum with 'guest' posts and is overall obnoxious. Upon deletion your account will be IP banned and not allowed to return.


12. The Large Image Addendum
If you are going to post an image that could potentially stretch the page from its normal resolution, you must post it in spoiler tags.
Breaking this rule once will result in a post edit and a warning; subsequent problems will be addressed accordingly and will likely result in infractions.


If you have any questions that are not covered by the rules above, please contact one of the admins/moderators via PM.

1. No embedding large images, audio, or videos. These lag the chatbox severely at times and it's very irksome. Please post the link. Smaller images that don't cause lag are acceptable, but are not allowed in excess.
1. No embedding Flash animations of any kind, especially those with audio. Breaking this rule will result in an immediate 1-week ban from chat and 2-day ban from forum.

2. No heated arguments. Anyone and everyone who is involved will be punished, regardless of who started it.

3. No link spamming. Seriously, it gets annoying to see the same link pop up 5 or more times in a row in the middle of a conversation.

4. No Casual vs. Competitive debates. These are REALLY annoying, and no one cares who has the bigger e-peen.

5. No Log In/ Log Out Spamming. In other words, No X-Mas Lights. It is really annoying having someone causing a chain of Log In / Log Out messages in the middle of a conversation. Even if you're the only person in the Chat Box it's forbidden. Anyone caught spamming it will be banned from Chat Box for the day. Repeated offenders may get an extended ban.

6. Any rules that apply to the main forum apply to the chat as well, unless stated otherwise.

Last edited by Mp3 Toaster on Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:38 pm; edited 28 times in total (Reason for editing : cursing and account deletion)
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Super Smash Bros Crusade
Super Smash Bros Crusade


Global Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules EmptySat Dec 31, 2011 4:41 pm

Because APPARENTLY people are bad at remembering, I've updated the OP with rules for the chatbox.
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Smash King
Smash King
Smash King


Global Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules EmptyThu May 17, 2012 6:12 pm

Added audio banning as part of the Chatbox Rules cause for a while there has been constant "Your Are A Pirate Song" spamming.
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Smash King
Smash King
Smash King


Global Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 8:56 am

New rule added on Part 3 of Global Rules.

-As of 8/5/2012, any unwanted flashing images, large images, & audio images posted on a thread or chat will result to a ban from either/both forum &/or chat.

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Super Smash Bros Crusade
Super Smash Bros Crusade


Global Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 8:59 am

That fits better under Chatbox Rule 1, but whatever.
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Super Smash Bros Crusade
Super Smash Bros Crusade


Global Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules EmptySun Nov 25, 2012 12:56 pm

newrule in chat section

Quote :
1.1. No embedding Flash animations of any kind, especially those with audio. Breaking this rule will result in an immediate 1-week ban from chat and 2-day ban from forum.
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Super Smash Bros Crusade
Super Smash Bros Crusade


Global Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules EmptyFri Mar 22, 2013 10:00 pm

I've removed the automatic image resize and added a new rule addressing the posting of large images.

Quote :
9. The Large Image Addendum
If you are going to post an image that could potentially stretch the page from its normal resolution, you must post it in spoiler tags.
Breaking this rule once will result in a post edit and a warning; subsequent problems will be addressed accordingly and will likely result in infractions.
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Smash King
Smash King
Smash King


Global Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules EmptySat Mar 30, 2013 11:48 am

Ok, I've added the "Christmas Lights" Rule to the Chatbox Rules.
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Smash King
Smash King
Smash King


Global Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules EmptySat Apr 06, 2013 8:24 pm

Global Forum Rules #7 added.

Thus banning Auto-playing songs or videos.
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  Mach Rider

Global Forum Rules Empty
PostSubject: Re: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules EmptySat Aug 29, 2015 1:59 pm

Rule #4 modified and Rule #11 added. Please read carefully.
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PostSubject: Re: Global Forum Rules   Global Forum Rules Empty

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