Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion BklTYr4

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 Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion

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Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion Empty
PostSubject: Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion   Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion EmptySat Sep 17, 2022 10:13 am

What does Rayman and Joy mech fight shares in common?
Thats right games that their body parts are separated due to hardware limits and simplicity

You know who else has it?
thats right Ballz 3D a fighting game that took advantage of this just like them released in year 1994 on Sega Genesis, SNES and Panasonic 3DO

we dont have clown in a smash game so there is Boomer the main character of Ballz 3D
Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion Tumblr_p4l3sdGD2c1roqda3o1_540

So what can Boomer do?
here are references of what he can do
Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion 499ratingg
Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion 956717f07ef5945a1897169f021d0d18afa065e2
Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion WildDemandingCleanerwrasse-max-1mb
Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion Ballz-3d-40751

here is also gameplay footage of Boomer

overall fun and cool edition for a clown
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Boomer from Ballz 3D (Ubisoft rep) Disscussion
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