An Stage for Crash BklTYr4

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 An Stage for Crash

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The Hoodlum
Level 1 CPU
The Hoodlum


An Stage for Crash Empty
PostSubject: An Stage for Crash   An Stage for Crash EmptySat Feb 02, 2019 9:54 pm

Well, I thought that Crash needs a stage of its own And I came up with two ideas, the first would be to base a Stage on the most difficult level of the game: Stormy Ascent, the soundtrack could be the one used in N.Sane trilogy, or the another could be the airship where Crash confronts Dr. Neo Cortex, but I doubt that it works. I put it in the suggestions section and not in the stage because I do not know how to draw even a concept or do sprites hehe.

Sorry for my bad english
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An Stage for Crash
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