Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... BklTYr4

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 Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know...

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Level 1 CPU


Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... Empty
PostSubject: Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know...   Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... EmptyTue Sep 18, 2018 7:23 pm

(First ever post I have made. Yay me...)
Recently I heard that Weegee was getting removed from Crusade in 9.2. Although it may be sad, it may give us an opportunity to get a new Echo Fighter-ish character that goes by the name of Mr L. He would just be the Dr. Mario of Luigi. If there's any errors. concerns, or overall questions then please post it here as I would love to see what other people have to say about Mr L's "Original" moveset. (Note: the entire moveset was made on mobile, so don't expect it to be anything good.)

Here we go!
Mr L's moveset:
Noteable changes: He’s floater, faster, and weaker
Remain the same except for Down Air
Down Air: Smash Ultimate Dr. Mario’s Down Air (The Stomp)
You know what this will do.
Neutral B: Paper Fireballs
Faster, Less Cooldown, Weaker
Does 1-4% Damage
Side Special: Floating Missle
It has no Misfire and it’s weak, but it makes up with Recovery. It’s Aimable, quick, and it floats
Up Special: Firey Burial Punch: Fusion of 2 Custom Up Specials from Luigi. Criticals are easier to land (KOs at 75%) and you fall really fast (Burry anyone that you land on)
Down Special: Dark Cyclone: Custom Crusade Move. It’s not quick nor does it help with recovery, but it’s great for getting more Damage done. You recover 1 Damage for every 5 hits, Opponents you’ve hit get poisoned for 2 seconds, and it acts a little similar to the Ice Climber’s Side B (except no recovery).
Final Smash: Pure Hearts Chaos:
Luigi Possesses the Pure Hearts and has infinite jumps. He doesn’t take damage and he goes around hitting people with a Golden Hammer. This lasts for 7 seconds at least.
Taunt: Let him keep his taunt.
Winning Animation: He does a sinister laugh.
Losing Animation: He claps.

Note: I may change the Final Smash to the BroBot, however I do want to final smash to resemble Luigi's Crusade Final Smash. Let me know if I should change it.
Thanks for reading my moveset about Mr L.
Enjoy your day!

P.S I'm not sure if a Mr L topic was made, but I can't find it. If someone does find it, then off to the Wall of Shame for me..
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Level 8 CPU


Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know...   Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... EmptyTue Sep 18, 2018 8:58 pm

Echoes shouldn't be in Smash Crusade, the closest thing should be Dr. Mario.
Mr. L should get a more original moveset if he were to actually appear in Crusade.

I'm not trying to be rude, just speaking my mind.
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Level 1 CPU


Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know...   Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... EmptyThu Sep 20, 2018 8:29 am

None taken.
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Level 8 CPU


Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know...   Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... EmptyThu Sep 20, 2018 4:51 pm

Also a few words of advice:

Make your signature a bit smaller, it is currently a bit big.
If you make more character threads, make sure you put them in the Unofficial Characters board.
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Level 4 CPU


Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know...   Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... EmptyMon Nov 05, 2018 12:12 am

OmegaSteve777 wrote:
Also a few words of advice:

Make your signature a bit smaller, it is currently a bit big.
If you make more character threads, make sure you put them in the Unofficial Characters board.

And adding on to that, you may want to make sure that nobody else made one for the specific character by using the search button at the top of the page
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Level 1 CPU


Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know...   Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... EmptyMon Jan 21, 2019 4:18 pm

If we're goping to include Mr. L, I think it should be as an aleternate costume for Luigi.
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Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know...   Mr L in Crusade? I don't really know... Empty

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