mod option for the community BklTYr4

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 mod option for the community

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mod option for the community Empty
PostSubject: mod option for the community   mod option for the community EmptyThu Sep 06, 2018 4:42 pm

(first of all English no is my language so do not be surprised if my writing sucks)

I was thinking and I came up with an idea that I would like to share with all of you (It may seem crazy but I find it appealing that this could be done).

that each character was possible to modify the sprite of each alternative color to be able to put mods made by the community, also that you can modify the animations and the projectiles of this

this could be done if:

each character for example Mario, returned to have his folder with all of his graphics as in previous versions of smash bros crusade, but this time also with his all alternative colors and each color with own sounds (to be able to also modify the color slot and sound, but of a single color, in this way it would be possible add skins)

also that there is a possibility to change the name of the character if you change color, for example if I replace an alternative color of sonic and instead in the slot of that color I put a silver skin at the time of changing the color instead of saying sonic that says silver, also during the battle and at the end

well this has only been an idea I wanted to share
it does not mean that is going to accomplish this, but I would like to be considered

Last edited by Magnus_Grappe_IV on Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : writing error)
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