Who could use a moveset re-work the most? BklTYr4

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 Who could use a moveset re-work the most?

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Level 4 CPU


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptyMon Mar 12, 2018 7:06 pm

So there's already a thread that's "Who needs resprites the most" but today I feel like we should discuss something similar but not quite; Moveset Re-works and Overhauls for the already-existing cast.
So, who do you think could benefit from having their movesets adjusted? How much would you like to see changed? Discuss it.

I'll start off with a few of my picks;
Ristar - I only played Ristar recently (Early February, to be specific) and it was a fun as heck game, so I waddled over to Crusade to see how he stacked up there, and...hoo boy.
I could make an entire thread if I wanted to, listing changes I think would be neat and would benefit him in ways that'd make him more fun to play as, as well as being more unique on his own, but I'll just list a few of the dumb ideas I came up with;

  • Make Up B timing-based, making Ristar do a few swings (like, 3 times, probably) and depending on whether you press the button on Swing 1, Swing 2 or Swing 3 to let go, he'll fly farther and even have invincibility + a hitbox on Swing 3 (And if you miss Swing 3, Ristar will swing once more and just do a little hop off like if you left on Swing 1)
  • Change his Grapple move (Currently Neutral Special) to the Grab Button, make it Angle-able (Either 8-way or a full 360-degrees) and make it function similarly to the Ultra Hand. With it on the Grab Button,
    grabbing people directly up-close while you're on the ground will act like a normal grab, letting you throw them and things, whilst grabbing them at a distance or if you're in the air will cause Ristar to fling towards his opponents and bounce off as usual, also yes this means you can grab the stage walls and bounce off of them ALA Peach's Side B
  • For Aerial Grapple, if you grab a foe who's also in the air, you could do something like holding the Special Button or holding your control stick towards who you grabbed to swing under and around them,
    proceeding to bounce off of them from that direction (So if you grabbed somebody while you're trying to recover, bouncing off them that way would launch them towards the Blast Zone and you closer towards the ledge, it's a thing you can do in Ristar and I think it'd be a neat addition
  • Rework Side Special to use DSpec's animation (But Sideways, of course) because Ristar cannot swim in the air and maybe make it function a bit like Smash 4 Pit's Up Special (Where it goes in a direction and then you can slightly angle it, I could probably compare it better to SSF2 Sora's Flowmotion now that I think about it,) but sideways and a lot less distance. Maybe a hitbox too, I dunno, you do you. Ristar's Side B is pretty cool already, but, I feel as if these changes would be neat.

Anywho, enough of that rambling, onto the next fellow;
Rayman - A lot could probably be said about Rayman, infact I could probably just say "Make him play like Rayman Origins/Legends, thank you" and call it a day, but I feel as if his Rayman 3-related stuff could still be neat if played right, it's just that they don't really seem all that cool and I dislike using them as of the current state of the game.
Little Mac (Smash 4) - I do not know why you exist yet, you're not really like the Smash 4 version at all. A good bit of specials are similar, yes, but other than that..I think you could've waited until a future update for your time to shine, buddy

Now, discuss your distaste with current moveset decisions. Yay
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Level 3 CPU


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptyTue Mar 13, 2018 6:15 am

There is one thing that's been bothering me... well, two.

Bowser's melee traced frames and Ridley's neutral jab.
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Level 1 CPU

  Crash Bandicoot

Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptyTue Mar 13, 2018 8:20 am

Bedoop Man wrote:

Rayman - A lot could probably be said about Rayman, infact I could probably just say "Make him play like Rayman Origins/Legends, thank you" and call it a day, but I feel as if his Rayman 3-related stuff could still be neat if played right, it's just that they don't really seem all that cool and I dislike using them as of the current state of the game.

I agree Rayman needs an overhaul and some new sprites. He feels a too stiff; and not to mention his Final Smash lasts WAY too long
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Level 7 CPU


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptyWed Mar 14, 2018 1:31 am

DHD needs an overhaul badly, especially since Smash 4's version is really good
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Level 1 CPU


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptyWed Mar 14, 2018 12:56 pm

ROB feels so plain on this game. I feel like its Project M moveset should be more fitting and less buggy than the actual Crusade moveset.
The Final Smash should be changed to the one from Sm4sh tho.

Tails is kinda disappointing. He feels so... uninspired. Specially when he uses lots of different weapons on different games.
Knuckles and Shadow got a revamp, so why not Tails?
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Level 4 CPU


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptyThu Mar 15, 2018 11:27 am

Bomberman needs a rework (mainly his bombs)

And Pac-Man's Down Special needs a change of some sort (having a super armored movement special that doesn't put you into free fall seems a little unnecessary )
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Level 1 CPU


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptyThu Apr 19, 2018 8:23 pm

I been a Lucas main since brawl, and I loved all his moves! And I actually think lucas can be top 15 (Super Smash Bros 4) with all his spacing moves, great recovery, amazing aireals, and one of the best combo games (besides mayonetta, sanic, and in beta knight).

(angrily) BUT then Project M gave Lucas a new moveset... and crusade was just like "Hey, FOOP Lucas mains, lets just take those moves from Project M, and not add an option for normal smash Lucas. (now more triggered and angry) "Because NOBODY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD wants regular Lucas! NO!! AND EVEN IF SO, THEY STILL CAN HANDLE NESS!! WHO WANTS SWAG HAIR, GREAT TEATHER, BETTER NESS, THAN A P.K. FIRE SPAMMER!!! WITH A STUPID! DUMB! RETARED HAT!?" pissedwright ME! Rage AHAHOIFKSD.JG AEKCKVGTRHJKWFMCJHNRHCJGRNJFDJRBHHCRBEBDCFCHCGCFBCEGHSSFSG!!!!

sorry... well, I don't think I even need to say who to removeset after all that....
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Level 4 CPU


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptyMon Mar 04, 2019 1:31 pm

Crusade Lucas is already S tier though

and for me, Krystal.
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Level 3 CPU


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptyTue Mar 05, 2019 5:18 pm

I would say Rob does need a rework, Make him have his final smash either from smash 4 or ultimate and maybe mix his moveset,I'd say give him some attacks from project m and some from smash 4, maybe that would make him a more fleshed out character.
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Walt Phillarson
Level 2 CPU
Walt Phillarson


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptySat Sep 07, 2019 9:53 pm

I'd have to say Waluigi. I don't know, he just doesn't feel overall fun to play as.

And that really sucks, since I love the hell out of Waluigi.
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Level 6 CPU


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptySun Sep 08, 2019 5:11 pm

Since Bomberman, Ristar and Rayman have been suggested already i'll go onto this 3 characters:

Saki: He could do strings as an assist trophy in Brawl/Sm4sh, and combine these with shooting, plus he had a long range with his laser sword (which is purple for some reason in Crusade when it's supossed to be pink). His down b should be remplaced with lock-in, which is a very important thing in his game, making his shoots precise. Overall, a re-work and resprite it's what he needs.

Mach Rider: Seeing how Sakurai loves to use elements from their origin games, like he did with DHD, in his game there are oil drips, caltrops and exploding oil drums. You could remplace his current down special to down smash (in the ground) and down air (in the air), changing his current down air to side air. Now his new down special would be to set a exploding oil drum (1 at a time), which explodes with Mach rider's bullets or any fire attack, any heavy fall can damage the drum too, it is an heavy item, so you would throw it like if it was a crate, and when throw it would either spin 1 or 2 times before falling or roll in the ground. It can do heavy knockback if throw well, which means it could work as an edgeguard move aswell. The perfect way to use this move, however is with his oil drips, with down tilt you can spill oil on the ground up to 3 times. This move may seem as a defensive option at first since it makes the ground slippery and cover the opponent with oil (like Inking's tint, if that's even possible in the engine), but if you combine this with his oil drums and make it explode, the fire would extent to where you threw the oil, for a short period of time. Lastly, the caltrops would be his new side tilt, he throws these to the direction you're facing, they don't do a lot of knockback, but they do a good amount of stun, which means it can be used to approach or set more traps. In short, instead of being similar to Captain Falcon, he would have more range and be something between Falcon and Samus, maybe even Snake.

Gooey: Right now he isn't really a special character, so I thought his Down Special could be used as the last hit of his neutral air, and instead make his down special choose his partner, like in Kirby's Dreamland 3, he has 6 different partners, or he can fight by himself. Choosing a partnet would change some of his moves, along with his cutter (Side Special) move. Have in mind, he wouldn't have his partner around all the time, just for the moves where he needs to use them. If you choose to play alone, his moveset is pretty much the same as it is now.
I recommend playing Dreamland 3 so you'll understand what Gooey is missing or simply look at the Animal Buddies' sprites here and let your imagination flow with the potential he could have.

Other changes would be to Pacman or DHD, to make it closer to their Sm4sh counterparts, specially in the special moves, Pacman would benefit more with Bonus Fruit and Hydrant, and DHD with the can and dishes he can break.
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Walt Phillarson
Level 2 CPU
Walt Phillarson


Who could use a moveset re-work the most? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Who could use a moveset re-work the most?   Who could use a moveset re-work the most? EmptySun Oct 06, 2019 12:01 pm

Bedoop Man wrote:
[*]Change his Grapple move (Currently Neutral Special) to the Grab Button

It's good and all, but then what would his new Neutral Special be?
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