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 Characters invented for crusade

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Characters invented for crusade Empty
PostSubject: Characters invented for crusade   Characters invented for crusade EmptyFri Mar 02, 2018 6:29 am

Dragon smash
D + ⬇️ = first time, check the moon symbol on the left and he throws 5 blue flames under him, second time check the sun symbol on the right and he throws a blaze under him, they will always be to sequence sun-moon-sun-moon and so on.
D + ⬆️ = first time creates the moon symbol on the left and he flies at the top and in the edge of each wing there is a light blue, second time creates the sun symbol on the right and he flies at the top and in the edge of each wing there is an orange light, also in sequence.
D +> = moon: .create a sphere that launches 5 beams of white light.
sun: create a small sun that launches 5 beams of fire

D + <= moon:

T = moon: keep ready to jump and when you release the button he jumps and as soon as he falls to the ground he makes blue flames and later he releases the strongest button is the blow, sun: 4 flames come out from under the ground and burns the nearby enemies
always in a sun-moon sequence.
D = sun: orange flame, moon: blue flame
s = scratch
s + ⬆️ = fire at the top of the sun = orange, moon = blue
s + ⬇️ = sun: fiery barrier, moon: jump and throw a ball of blue fire underneath
s + <= sun: it becomes bright orange and goes quickly against the enemies until the end of the race, moon: it becomes bright blue and does the same thing
s +> = equal
smash = sun and moon 1: the moon symbol appears to the left and the sun to the right and the dragon takes energy first from the moon and then from the sun while he is firing his shot and then launches it and his shot makes 120% of damage, sun and moon2: the two symbols appear and enter him and from his body come out flames of 6 orange 3 and 3 blue.
when you unlock it, it says: this dragon has been disturbed by the warriors and now you will face his fury
Dragon Smash
........................ u
No ...........................-
s = scratch
s + ⬆️ = eclipse of the moon = check the symbol of the eclipse to the left and he creates a small sun above him, eclipse of the sun = check the eclipse to the right and a moon appears around it that damages the who approaches
s + ⬇️ = em = check the eclipse symbol on the side of the lunar eclipse and he creates a sun under him during the eclipse, es = check symbol eclipse in the eclipse side of the sun and launches a sun during the eclipse eclipse (so much moon and sun during eclipse are equal) that explodes under him.
s +> = e.m. = symbol, turns blue and prepares to scratch, e.s. = symbol, turns yellow and prepares to scratch.
s + <= e.m = symbol, and creates a moon during the lunar eclipse that launches an eclipsed lunar ray, e.s. = symbol is creating a moon During the solar eclipse that launches an eclipsed solar ray
D = e.m. = symbol and check the eclipse and launch a black ray followed by a blue beam that overlap, and. s. = changes the radius that should be blue and orange.
D + ⬆️ = e.m. = symbol, turns blue and flies upwards, e. s. = symbol, turns orange and flies upwards
D + ⬇️ = e.m = symbol, check a moon and teleport to another part and in this new part check a moon During the eclipse that does damage, e. s. = symbol, change that instead of the moon there is the sun
D +> = as long as you hold down prepares to fire, ps: there is no eclipse moon or sun
D + <= prepares to punch until you hold down
T = e.m = symbol, makes a circle of blue fire, e. s. = symbol and makes an orange circle of fire.
smash: first: creates two eclipse symbols on the right and left and receives power from them to cast a black ray that has a small orange ray inside it, 2: the two symbols appear and receives power from them to cast a black ray that is burned by fire.
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