Some Suggestions BklTYr4

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Level 1 CPU


Some Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Some Suggestions   Some Suggestions EmptyFri Dec 11, 2015 8:44 pm

I suggest that we get Phoenix new special moves like:
Up-Special: Ladder vs. Stepladder
Side-Special: Objection!
Neutral-Special: Finger Point (which conjures lasers just like in UMVC3)
Down-Special: His current down-special

I also suggest FF characters because of Planet's Core.

Last edited by Riolin' on Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lego Shaq

Lego Shaq


Some Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Suggestions   Some Suggestions EmptyFri Dec 11, 2015 8:47 pm

Riolin' wrote:
I suggest that we get Phoenix new special moves like:
Up-Special: Ladder vs. Stepladder
Side-Special: Objection!
Neutral-Special: Finger Point (which conjures lasers just like in UMVC3)
Down-Special: His current down-special

I also suggest avatars which are like Miis but is different and more gamemodes.
Do not like the Neutral Special suggestion. And don't understand the Up Special...does he randomly use a ladder or stepladder?

And how are avatars different from Miis, and what exactly are they?
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Level 1 CPU


Some Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Suggestions   Some Suggestions EmptySat Dec 12, 2015 12:11 am

Maybe he can use both or just randomly.
OK avatars aren't different from Miis Razz, but still would like some in the game.
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Lego Shaq

Lego Shaq


Some Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Suggestions   Some Suggestions EmptySat Dec 12, 2015 8:41 am

Riolin' wrote:
Maybe he can use both or just randomly.
OK avatars aren't different from Miis Razz, but still would like some in the game.
Eh. I love ladders vs stepladders too but I'm not sure if that should be an up special.
Also, Mii's are kind of impossible to put ingame.
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Level 1 CPU


Some Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Suggestions   Some Suggestions EmptySat Dec 12, 2015 4:18 pm

[b]Step-ladders vs. Ladders could work like Hold it!.
Yeah, Nintendo would probably jump into action if we did.
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Lego Shaq

Lego Shaq


Some Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Suggestions   Some Suggestions EmptySat Dec 12, 2015 5:21 pm

Riolin' wrote:
[b]Step-ladders vs. Ladders could work like Hold it!.
Yeah, Nintendo would probably jump into action if we did.
Uh, no they wouldn't. They would've jumped into action already if they planned to.

It's impossible because how are you going to make the amount of sprites needed for a Mii character? There's over a thousand ways to make a Mii character, there is no way the Crusade team can sprite so many Mii combinations.
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Level 1 CPU


Some Suggestions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Some Suggestions   Some Suggestions EmptySat Dec 12, 2015 6:04 pm

That's why I'm disregarding it. Razz
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