Keeping it really short, characters with dair moves like shadow cannot use a left+down/right+down (diagonal) input to change the direction of their dair (you are forced to dair in the direction you are facing). Feels really weird and somewhat wrong, going to check the entire cast eventually.
Additionally, I'd like to see 2 heights for jumping only (short/full hop (individual for chars ofc)). Currently height is somewhat based depending on how long you keep the button pressed and this interferes with juggling and stuff (any sort of aerial combo game tbh) really badly, as well as making it more unpredictable to face characters because the jumping is so off.
Last thing I hope to see in 0.91 due to more gamepad stuff is the ability to dash like in original smash games (just mash the stick, gotta use workaround options for that currently =( ). Even if that will not be the case for a while, dropping trough a platform should be possible just like dashing (down + walk instead of direction, or whatever the movement option is). This is mainly due to settings which would not require you to press down twice (if anyone knows a workaround for one press only, go ahead and tell me).
I wanna end this with a question, what is the stance on shield dropping in this game? Since there is no angled shield yet it sounds difficult but platforms are increasingly more dangerous here.