Goemon for CRUSADE  BklTYr4

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 Goemon for CRUSADE

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Goemon for CRUSADE  Empty
PostSubject: Goemon for CRUSADE    Goemon for CRUSADE  EmptyThu Oct 29, 2015 6:43 pm

Ok i think goemon should be in crusade because to me he is the mario of konami he may not be famous but he's colorful like mario short like mario and kiddish like mario and he would fit well with the other mascots the only other person besides goemon i want in crusade is simon belmont but anyway im not gonna go into detail to good but his special should be him throwing his coin's he can charge this up and make a flaming coin his side special should be his yo-yo his up special should be his cape thing and he just soar in the air for a while similar to meta knight's up special from brawl his down special should either be his electric judo attack or sudden impact his final smash should either be goemon impact or him doing a similar attack like mario's finale but just with a giant coin his goemon impact should be controlled like tails final smash just stronger his grab should be with his pipe and he just pulls you in his stage should be dragons lake if he can get a assist trophy it should be sasuke and thats all i really have to say about it im just hoping he can make it to the roster
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Goemon for CRUSADE  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Goemon for CRUSADE    Goemon for CRUSADE  EmptyFri Oct 30, 2015 5:30 am

Great idea, but you should suggest new characters here: https://projectcrusade.forumotion.com/f35-unofficial-characters

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