SSpecial(Wall-nut Bowling):
USmash:dave puts a cherry bomb above your head
DSmash:dave plants a spikeweed
SSmash:dave throws a squash against the
Dtilt:dave throw a little fertilizer to the ground
Stilt:dave hits with his Garden Rake
Utilt:dave strikes up with a pan
Dair:dave throws down a flower pot
Bair:dave hits backwards with a watering can
Nair:dave hits with his shovel
uair:dave knocks arrives with his mallet
USpecial(Garlic Drone):similar to snake up special
Nspecial (plant):Dave plants a random plant
Peashooter:shoots one pea every 1.5 seconds. It does one normal damage shot per pea
Chomper:similar brawl wario neutral special
Bonk Choi:strike the characters to be approached
Sunflower:gives necessary suns to plant plants
DSpecial(Plant Select):select a plant for use with neutral special
Dash:Dave grabs a lawn mower and mows down anybody in his way
Smash final:dave travels in time and brings different times zombies that attack players